Monday 4 May 2009

Laser Eye Surgery | What Is It?

When we refer to laser eye surgery we are really talking about two different methods. First there was PRK laser eye surgery, but this has largely been superceded by Lasik eye surgery. Lasik stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis which doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.

Without going into too much detail as to the different merits of these two types of eye surgery generally speaking surgeons use Lasik surgery more frequently mainly due to the fact that patients who have had Lasik eye surgery tend to recover faster than those who have had PRK surgery. They also tend to experience less pain in the post operative period and get improved vision more quickly.

Actually, Bristol laser eye surgery is particularly good, with many opportunities to have your operation in this wonderful city. You have indeed selected well.

1 comment:

  1. Well, naturally people will prefer the safer choice, right? I didn't know that there were two types of eye surgery, let alone the difference between the two. But the good thing I learned about Lasik is that it can improve the vision of a person. Thanks for clarifying that up.
